from $125.00

Flowers bring joy and many times remind people of parts of their story. Each month a bouquet will be delivered to the nursing home. Instead of a bouquet on the resident’s birthday month, they will receive a medium arrangement.

This special bouquet subscription available just for family and friends at certain nursing homes and will bring delight all year reminding the person that someone cares about them. The monthly flower choices will be determined by Sow Wonder and vary depending on the season. If the nursing home is outside of Reisterstown (currently Encore and Vantage Point) please choose the option with the added delivery fee.

If you are interested in this for someone outside of the nursing homes listed please contact me or visit the bouquet subscription in available in the custom florals tab.

Months of Bouquets:
Add To Cart
Medium Arrangement
from $57.00
Mason Jar Arrangement
from $36.99
Ribbon-tied Wrapped Bouquet
from $20.00
Love You to Peaches
from $60.00
Tea Cup Arrangement
from $20.00